I have come to fall in love with teaching in Catholic schools. What are YOU in love with?...

"Nothing is more practical than finding God, that is, than falling in love in a quite absolute, final way. What you are in love with, what seizes your imagination, will affect everything. It will decide what will get you out of bed in the morning, what you will do with your evenings, how you will spend your weekends, what you read, who you know, what breaks your heart, and what amazes you with joy and gratitude. Fall in love, stay in love, and it will decide everything." - Pedro Arrupe

Wednesday, January 30, 2019

I lost my heart in Arizona...

"You're going to Phoenix."

Arizona? I've never really traveled west of the Mississippi, except for that one trip to Denver.

Who knew that living and teaching in Arizona would change my life?

ACE did.

Where else would I have rallied the students to wear yellow to celebrate Roald Dahl's birthday?...

Or baked 6 giant cookies shaped like Arizona for students to frost to demonstrate knowledge of the different geographical parts of the state?...

Or had parents help me create the magical world of Narnia for our novel read aloud?...

Where would my heart have grown so many sizes because I had fourth graders who were eager to learn, live, love, and pray - students who challenged me to learn and love more?

And had school parents (now friends) who did the same?

Amazingly, the Salesians (the sisters this time) had found their way into my life again. And, we had Holy Cross priests too. It was the best of all worlds. And it was mine to be a part of for three years. Leaving SJV was one of the hardest things I've ever had to do because I was ingrained in the community, and my heart belonged to each of the students I had taught (and those in sign language club too).

Thank you, SJV, for supporting me as a first (and second and third) -year teacher. I learned so much from my colleagues and from my students. You helped me develop and polish my craft and gifts. You were an unbelievable home away from home. Thank you for welcoming me into your school and hearts - a piece of my own heart will always be with you.

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