I have come to fall in love with teaching in Catholic schools. What are YOU in love with?...

"Nothing is more practical than finding God, that is, than falling in love in a quite absolute, final way. What you are in love with, what seizes your imagination, will affect everything. It will decide what will get you out of bed in the morning, what you will do with your evenings, how you will spend your weekends, what you read, who you know, what breaks your heart, and what amazes you with joy and gratitude. Fall in love, stay in love, and it will decide everything." - Pedro Arrupe

Saturday, December 5, 2020

A long way to go

As I went for my weekly long(er) run, I felt an urge to go past the lakefront path and to the lake itself, where I was rewarded with a beautiful view of downtown:

That's a long way to go. And it's not that it was going to be a longer run than usual...I just hadn't seen the view from there before - truthfully, it looked daunting. Nevertheless, I put one foot in front of the other and made my way south, downtown growing ever larger in my field of vision. Amazingly, I got pretty close - something that seemed not as likely as when I first stood looking at the scene captured in the picture above.

And it got me thinking. That's what 2020 has seemed like too - as we experienced the start of the pandemic in our country and more immediate cities, the end/cure/vaccine seemed so, almost impossibly, far away. But now, nine months later, we're closer to a vaccine, to "normal" than we've ever been. While patience and hope are still required, the efforts taken by everyone but most especially our healthcare professionals, fire/police, teachers/schools have not been in vain. If this were a race, it would be the time when it's most daunting and challenging to keep going...until the runner thinks of the DNF that would go next to his/her name. The last push to the finish is always the hardest, as it requires you to dig deep and really kick it into gear, giving it your all, even if you feel you have nothing left.

So, as we go into another holiday separated, at least for many of my own friends and families, from those we hold most dear, we need to hold fast to hope that, God willing, we will be together in the future. And, while it's painful now, the time with loved ones when we are able to gather in the future will not and cannot be taken for granted. Every gathering will be revealed as the gift it is.

As 2020 draws to its end, I wish you joy and peace for the new year ahead and added love for times when you are feeling lonely or disheartened. This year since March has truly sucked - and it's ok and important to acknowledge that. In fact, I think my annual Christmas letter (well, this is the musical part of my Christmas letter) sums up my experiences and feelings of this pretty well, at least to some degree. (I sometimes process my experiences in unusual ways, so I'm grateful to friends and family who were supportive in putting up with my letters each year.)

Take care everyone. And keep running the race - it's been a long one, but we have the end in sight.