I have come to fall in love with teaching in Catholic schools. What are YOU in love with?...

"Nothing is more practical than finding God, that is, than falling in love in a quite absolute, final way. What you are in love with, what seizes your imagination, will affect everything. It will decide what will get you out of bed in the morning, what you will do with your evenings, how you will spend your weekends, what you read, who you know, what breaks your heart, and what amazes you with joy and gratitude. Fall in love, stay in love, and it will decide everything." - Pedro Arrupe

Sunday, January 13, 2019

Hold On (& Slow Down)...It's Sunday

Sundays have a way of reminding me to slow down.

Ok, so I got up at 6:45, but that was because I wanted to sip my coffee slowly and read my book before it was time to go to Family Mass across town where I teach. The sun wasn't quite awake yet, and everything in my apartment was quiet...except for the hissing of the radiators. Soon, I had the coffee percolating, my breakfast ready, and my book open. I was drawn into the author's portrayal of her family's experience as Jews in Poland during WWII, not wanting to believe the horrific acts done to innocent lives by those in positions of power. Still, I read on...

Mass wasn't till 10am (though, I knew I would have to leave at 9:15 to err on the side of caution), so I was able to take my time getting cleaned up and ready, listening to one of my favorite podcasts on low so as to not disturb my roommates.

I took a quick stroll up to the corner to drop off a few birthday cards in the mailbox, and then I was off to church. The sun was shining, my podcast was playing, and there weren't too many cars on the road. (Though, some of the cars I found in front of me were moving along rather slowly.) I must admit, it's quite a difference to head to school on the weekend, without having the immediacy of a school day's tasks looming in front of you.

The parking lot was relatively empty - that was probably because I arrived 15 minutes early. As I stepped out of my car and started walking toward the church, an elderly woman asked if she could borrow my arm to cross the street over to the church side. I obliged, introducing myself and telling her that I work for the school. She then introduced herself, explaining how she is a retired teacher and now does tutoring and consulting in education. It was, all in all, about a three minute interaction, but it brought a smile to my face to have that conversation.

I was surprised to see so many students at Mass, many of whom waved or came over to say hi. Most of the school families present had a child (or two) in our upcoming school play, and those children had parts at Mass today as ushers and greeters. During Mass, our pastor prayed a special blessing over those students and wished them well for their performances this weekend. I love seeing so many kids at Mass - it's truly getting to see them in another light besides the hustle and bustle of the school day.

On my way home, I spoke to my parents on the phone. They've been pretty busy recently (as have I), so it had been awhile since we talked. As I drove down Lakeshore Drive, I looked out and saw several runners and walkers on the trail, and I decided a jog in this weather might be a good decision. So, after I hung up with my parents, I put on my running gear, protecting my hands and ears from the cold, and headed out the door. It was meant to be a short three miler, but it was such a beautiful day, especially with the sun shining and only a light breeze (not a driving force of wind) that I ended up going about five miles instead. It felt good, even the parts when I had to run through the snow, where the trail had not yet been shoveled/plowed. 

As I sit in my living room, having just finished some leftover shredded chicken and cheese tacos (and a little bit of dessert), I am ready to pick up my book again and relax until my women's prayer group tonight. 

There is a lot going on at school these next few weeks as we get ready for Catholic Schools Week, so there is probably something I could/should be working on to prepare...but for now, it's Sunday, our day of rest. School, worries, and other tasks can wait. For today, I can be content to take it slowly.

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