I have come to fall in love with teaching in Catholic schools. What are YOU in love with?...

"Nothing is more practical than finding God, that is, than falling in love in a quite absolute, final way. What you are in love with, what seizes your imagination, will affect everything. It will decide what will get you out of bed in the morning, what you will do with your evenings, how you will spend your weekends, what you read, who you know, what breaks your heart, and what amazes you with joy and gratitude. Fall in love, stay in love, and it will decide everything." - Pedro Arrupe

Monday, March 19, 2012

Pray as you can

"Pray as you can, not as you can't."

I feel that this quote really speaks to the fact that oftentimes we find ourselves making excuses about why we can't pray (or can't find the time to pray) rather than actually spending time in prayer.

In reality, God doesn't want us to be perfect in prayer - He wants us to come to Him with our faults, our inability to pay attention (at times), and the many other distractions and activities that take up our lives. God wants us to offer these up in prayer as best we can - again, that's "as best we can" NOT perfectly, NOT worrying about how we can't do this or that in prayer.

We need to open ourselves up and allow ourselves to hear God's response in our lives.

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