I have come to fall in love with teaching in Catholic schools. What are YOU in love with?...

"Nothing is more practical than finding God, that is, than falling in love in a quite absolute, final way. What you are in love with, what seizes your imagination, will affect everything. It will decide what will get you out of bed in the morning, what you will do with your evenings, how you will spend your weekends, what you read, who you know, what breaks your heart, and what amazes you with joy and gratitude. Fall in love, stay in love, and it will decide everything." - Pedro Arrupe

Monday, February 2, 2015

February Snow Day

"Due to the inclement weather and the fact that CPS has canceled classes on Monday, we will not be having school..." <-- Such was the incoming automated call I received last night upon returning home from Mass.

Snow day!! (I think it worked out especially well for those people who enjoyed themselves at Super Bowl parties last night, eh?)

As sleeping in this morning was not an option - curses to my internal clock for getting thrown off if I stay in bed past 7 a.m.! - I decided to get up, warm up with coffee and the Today Show, and then head to the gym. As the day progressed, I found myself working (but not too much, thank goodness!) on a few things for school and finishing a children's book (Eight Keys). In addition, I caught up on some podcasts, including "Wait Wait! Don't Tell Me!" Just a few minutes ago I started Unbroken, which people have told me will suck me in and not let me out again until I finish it. (Gosh, I hope I find the time to read it this week!) And, in just a little bit, I will brave the snowy elements to walk (which, at this point, is safer than driving) to Bible Study at Church. All in all, that qualifies as a well-spent snow day in my book.

Tomorrow morning we'll be back to the grindstone with the students. (At least the snow day fell coming off a weekend this time around - hopefully that will make it easier to ease into the week.)

Hello February - you sure came in with a bang!

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