~ C.S. Lewis, Mere Christianity
One of my friends posted this a few days ago on Facebook as a status, and it really struck me. Sometimes I think I get wrapped up so much in trying to remember the good times (and keep hold of them) that I miss out on what's right in front of me.
It's so easy to do, especially when where we've been has (for the most part) been really great.
But one thing I think C.S. Lewis is trying to point out is that you can't really ever get the feeling from an experience (especially from childhood or any "firsts") back - but if we learn to let go, something just as wonderful (and new and different) will come along - it will be a new thrill, all ours for the taking. Keep the memory, but don't strive to relive it.
Let us remember to let go and, in the immortal words of Dory ("Finding Nemo"), "just keep swimming, just keep swimming..."
there was a quote of the day or meditation recently about being surprised by God... reminded me of that. was looking for it to post it here for you, but (a) you probably already saw it, and (b) i couldn't find it.