It's been a minute.
Well, it's been a (school) year, if I'm being honest. When veteran principals say that it was their hardest year ever, I realized I am very fortunate to feel like I do after 2021-2022. I truly am grateful to be where I'm at... and I was even more grateful for the summer break, as it was very much needed.
To say the Summer of 2022 will likely go down in (my) history as one of the best I've had (aside from the whole trying to hire during a teacher shortage, you know) is an accurate statement. I've traveled to places that have long been on my bucket list, listened to plenty of live music, caught up with friends, and got to spend time with my family. Each activity or trip could easily have its own post, but I'll keep it short, maybe expanding later on... (I wasn't on my game this summer - everything passed too fast!)
1. Spain/France Trip Chaperone with Middle School Students: (As a highlight, I was so proud of how they behaved overall. What troopers!)
How it started (flight into Madrid)
Holy Toledo!
Montmartre (France)
Paris sights!
Normandy = incredible
Yes, we kayaked. The kids didn't enjoy working that hard :)
How it ended - south of France in Nice!
2. Live Music & Cultural Experiences...Including Ravinia Concerts and Elton John!
Always a pleasant place to hear music :)
I could have danced all night...
Cezanne exhibit at the Art Institute
What's the buzz? Tell me what's a happening...
The man himself - what a performer!
3. Annual National Parks Road Trip - Acadia (ME) and Shenandoah (VA) with many a stop in between...
First pit stop = Niagara Falls
Only took 3 years to actually get here ;)
They called it Maine Survivor. I called it delicious!
No filter (sunset coming down from Cadillac Mountain)
Sunrise - Cadillac Mountain
ACE roomies reunited
Chicago friend
Shenandoah sunset
Loved seeing familiar faces across the USA :)
4. Family and Friend Visits
Memorial Day Weekend / Tricia's Retirement Party
Visiting long-time family friends in MI
Meeting ACE housemate's new baby girl
Baby shower celebration for ACE classmate
Reunited and it feels so good!
5. ACE Principal Academy @ Notre Dame
The Grotto = my favorite place to pray and be
Bl Basil Moreau <3
Some of my fellow cohort members - we braved the rain!
Show me your joy!
Fr. Hesburgh's office
No trip to ND complete without Ritters!
Have courage - go towards the storm!
And now summer is quickly coming to a close. (Actually, it's been closed for me since I got back from Notre Dame.) Teachers come back on Friday (for an outside PD), and then we are hitting the ground running. Please keep us in your prayers.
Cheers to 2022-2023!!