I have come to fall in love with teaching in Catholic schools. What are YOU in love with?...

"Nothing is more practical than finding God, that is, than falling in love in a quite absolute, final way. What you are in love with, what seizes your imagination, will affect everything. It will decide what will get you out of bed in the morning, what you will do with your evenings, how you will spend your weekends, what you read, who you know, what breaks your heart, and what amazes you with joy and gratitude. Fall in love, stay in love, and it will decide everything." - Pedro Arrupe

Thursday, April 30, 2020

Wrapping up the Poem A Day Challenge with #30

It's hard to see progress with such baby steps, but when you stop and look back over the period of time you worked on XYZ, it becomes much clearer.

Today, April 30, marks the final day of my "Poem A Day" Challenge, which I started on April 1. I have compiled all of the poems and their respective audio recordings HERE. While I will be glad to take a break from poetry, it's been an interesting exercise in just letting thoughts spill out onto the paper however the Spirit moved me on a given day. I guess I'll give myself a bit of a break and then find a new creative challenge... Hmmm...

I feel like there's a bit more pressure to end on a strong poem, but the funny thing about poetry is that it speaks so differently to each individual reader; what one loves deeply may not touch another person's heart in nearly the same way or at all. Well, anyways, here is today's poem (even though it reads more like a prayer or litany); it's the final one of this collection/challenge.

"We Pray to the Lord"
Poem of the Day - 4/30/20
Audio Available HERE

For the sick and the dying...
For those struggling to make ends meet...
For postal carriers and grocery clerks...
For teachers doing what they can to help their students adjust and learn...
For all healthcare workers on the front lines...
For those without visitors, family, or someone to check in...
For priests and religious leaders who continue to minister and guide their flocks...
For those who have been laid off from their jobs...
For hope in our world in this time of darkness...

Hear our prayers, O Lord
Lift our hearts, O Lord
Give us strength, O Lord
For it is you we trust

Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Radiant Red Robin

"Radiant Red Robin"
Poem of the Day - 4/29/20
Audio available HERE

O radiant red robin
You happily hop from branch to branch
Hoping to find the perfect place
To build your humble home
Seemingly satisfied
Without a worry or a care
At least, it seems that way
O beautiful bird
Help me learn your lesson of letting go

Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Tuesday Views

"Observations on a Tuesday Morning"
Poem of the Day - 4/28/20
Audio version of this poem

I sit in silence
Listening for the sound of birds chirping
Outside my window
Which is open today

Sunlight sneaks in through the blinds
Bringing a sense of warmth and comfort
To my lonely living room

Flowers stand taller
Slowly and proudly blooming in the spring air
The colors are magnificent

From my vantage point
I can see dogs on their daily walks
And I can hear children laughing
As they speed down the sidewalk on their scooters

And in that moment I realize
I wish I had a scooter too

Monday, April 27, 2020

"Beautiful Rain"

"Beautiful Rain"
Poem of the Day - 4/27/20
Audio version of today's poem

There's something to be said for rain -

I know, I know...
Sunshine is so much more enjoyable,
Especially when one has the desire to be outside -

But hear me out.
Yes, it can be dreary,
And the thunder can be deafening,
Umbrellas don't always work right,
And buses splash poor pedestrians.

Rain can certainly be unpleasant;
It often puts a damper on camping trips,
And no one likes mud being tracked inside
By dogs or small children.

Still, without rain we would have no growth.
Without rain, the sun's rays wouldn't seem as bright.
Without rain, there would be no puddles.
(And there definitely would not be that iconic Gene Kelly number.)

Rain is beautiful in its own way
And when the sun comes out again,
We enjoy the day so much more.


P.S. Happy Birthday Dad!

Sunday, April 26, 2020

An Easter People - 4/26/20

"Alleluia, We are an Easter People"
Poem of the Day - 4/26/20
Audio version of today's poem

We are called to walk this journey of faith,
Yet it is not a path we walk alone
We are a community -
A worldwide, catholic one
And we are a people of hope,
Of joy,
Of love -
We are an Easter people

Saturday, April 25, 2020

JOY, a reminder (4/25/20)

"Our Call to Joy"
Poem of the Day - 4/25/20
Audio Version of Today's Poem

I was reminded in a homily today
About our call
As Christians
To spread the Good News
With JOY
Such a powerful reminder
Especially in our current climate
As we strive to put Jesus first
Through prayer
And virtual Mass,
And then comes others
By reaching out to our neighbors
And staying in touch with family
Yourself -
Still important,
For we cannot serve from empty vessels,
But not more important
Than the other two
Joy -
Hard to sometimes define
But never possible to be mistaken
When you come across
A joy-filled and joyful witness

Friday, April 24, 2020

Time Doesn't Always Make Sense...

"Time's Puzzle"
Poem of the Day - April 24, 2020
Audio Version of Today's Poem

Do you ever find yourself pondering time,
Simply the idea of it -
As in, would it feel like today
If something else would have happened
Or if I was on vacation?

I can't help thinking about it -
Every day has the same amount of minutes
And hours
Some days drag on
For what seems like
And other days pass by
in the blink of an eye -
You turn around, and they're

How can this be?
Time, what a confusing puzzle you are...

Thursday, April 23, 2020

Happy Bday Shakespeare!

"O, Shakespeare"
Poem of the Day - 4/23/20
Audio Version of Today's Poem

"A rose by any other name
Would smell as sweet" -
Yes, Shakespeare,
You had the right idea
Somehow, you always managed to find
The right
Words -
Your flowery language
Simply beyond compare,
Leaving me speechless
And so, thank you,
Sweet poet,
For your legacy
We are forever grateful

Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Yeah I think to Myself... (Happy Earth Day 2020!)

"Wonderful" (to the tune of "What a Wonderful World")
Poem of the Day - 4/22/20
Audio Version of Today's Poem

I see sunny skies
And budding trees
Tulips in bloom
Smiling at me

And I think to myself...
What a wonderful world

Tuesday, April 21, 2020

My thoughts are doing more running than I am these days...

"And the Thoughts Keep Racing"
Poem of the Day - 4/21/20
Audio Version of Today's Poem

Thoughts run around in my head
As I lay curled up under my comforter
Tired, at least mentally,
But my eyes remain wide open
Even when my eyelids grow heavy
Dreams wait patiently
As I toss and turn in my bed
I just can't seem to shake the insomnia
Will I ever learn how to calm my mind
So that I can drift away to dreamland
And wake up tomorrow
Ready to take on the day?

Monday, April 20, 2020

Back to the Grind - 4/20/20

"The Grind"
Poem of the Day - 4/20/20
Audio Version of Today's Poem

Back to the grind
Easter break is now through
At the forefront of mind
Is the work we've to do

School now online
Till we're out in June
It'd be easy to whine
But we know what to do

"Suck it up, Buttercup"
Channel energy for good instead
Give yourself a quick check-up
Dwell in hope of what's ahead

Sunday, April 19, 2020

Suddenly Long Distance

"Dating in the Time of COVID"
Poem of the Day - 4/19/20
Audio Version of Today's Poem

Phone calls

Suddenly, a relationship
With someone in my same city
Has turned long-distance

We had no idea this would happen -
If we did, there's not much
We could have done differently
Except maybe to have kissed
For a few moments longer

It's a challenge we didn't bargain for
But we're determined
To try and make it work
What else can we do?

It's dating
In the time of COVID

Saturday, April 18, 2020

"Now We Know"

"Now We Know"
Poem of the Day - 4/18/20
Audio Version of Today's Poem

We knew it was coming
But hearing the announcement on the news
Didn't make it any easier

Finishing the school year remotely?
Postponing communion and graduation?
Not what we expected
Definitely not what we hoped for

But now we know
And now we need a plan
To keep our teachers sane
To keep our kids engaged
To bring this year to a proper close
First step -

Friday, April 17, 2020

It's Mid-April for Goodness Sake!

"A Mid-April Snowfall"
Poem of the Day - 4/17/20
Audio Version of Today's Poem

Looking outside
It seems more like January
Than mid-April
More than a dusting of snow
Yet some melts upon impact
White and unblemished by footprints
For now
I only gaze from my window
Afraid to venture outdoors
Because, alas, I don't have my boots
Still, I ask you,
Do you want to build a snowman?

Thursday, April 16, 2020

Dear 8th Grade Buckeyes: A Tribute (preview)

"Dear 8th Grade Buckeyes: A Tribute"
Poem of the Day - April 16, 2020
Audio Version of Today's Poem

*Disclaimer* - I wrote this poem (or, rather, these lyrics) yesterday as I was thinking about our 8th graders and the likeliness that they will experience graduation at a later time (and that they will likely miss their scheduled activities, such as their dance, field trip to downtown, etc.). I previously changed the words of Hamilton's "You'll Be Back" as a parody to enjoy during this time of the pandemic, but this one, while still from Hamilton, is meant to be more heartfelt. If my principal gives me the ok, I do plan to record it for the graduates when the time comes. Till then, you'll have to match the singing in your head along to "Dear Theodosia" -->

"Dear 8th Grade Buckeyes: A Tribute" (a nod to "Dear Theodosia")

Dear 8th grade Buckeyes, what to say to you?
You're moving on
To high school in the fall
When we had to social distance it hurt you most of all

We're reminiscing every day with you
Your Friday jokes, your smiles in the halls,
Your kind hearts - we're who we are because of you
Your recognition is past due

You have come of age in this pandemic
You've had to sacrifice, wish you could roll the dice
And start again at the beginning
But here we are, my friends; you have now reached the end
Watching you brought us to tears
This year, this year
So proud you brought us tears
This year, this year

Oh, 8th grade we don't know what we will do
Without you
Look how you've grown
Pride is not the word we're looking for
There is so much more we feel for you

Oh, 8th grade you've kept a smile on your face
With grace
Missed your dance and parties too
Doesn't feel quite fair for you

Your faith and friends kept you strong
Your teachers there all along
for you
We'll do whatever it takes
To help you all celebrate
Now graduation is here for you

You have come of age in this pandemic
You've had to sacrifice, wish you could roll the dice
And start again at the beginning
But here we are, my friends; you have now reached the end
You are graduates today
For you we pray
We're so proud of you today
Hooray! Hooray!

Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Who's Got the Last Laugh Now?

"Nature's Last Laugh"
Poem of the Day - April 15, 2020
Audio Version of Today's Poem

Nature has a funny way
Of playing tricks on you
Yesterday it felt like spring
But today's like winter - boo.

Tuesday, April 14, 2020

Spring Has Sprung, An Alliterative Poem for 4/14/20

"Spring Has Sprung"
Poem of the Day - 4/14/20
Audio Version of Today's Poem

Sun smiling
Chicks chirping
Breeze blowing
Clouds clumping
Laughter lifting

Spring has sprung

Monday, April 13, 2020

Here I Am - 4/13/20

"Here I Am"
Poem of the Day - 4/13/20
Audio Version of Today's Poem

Looking for the right words
To comfort
To heal
To offer hope

But words are not enough
When what we need is the ability
To visit
To serve
To embrace

We try our best to stay connected
Via Zoom
Via FaceTime
Via Skype

But we are a social species, drawn
To touch
To presence
To true interaction

I tell myself I should use this time
For new and favorite hobbies
For working on my abs
For a silent retreat

But the excuses keep coming -
I'm not sure where to start
I'm too tired
I'm too lazy

But, if not now, when?
Procrastination returns
And again
And again

So here I am...writing poetry

Sunday, April 12, 2020

A short Easter poem for 2020

Happy Easter 2020
Poem of the Day - 4/12/20
Audio Version of Today's Poem

Church pews are empty
So is the tomb
Jesus is Risen

Saturday, April 11, 2020

A haiku for Saturday

“Waiting: A Holy Saturday Haiku”
Poem of the Day - 4/11/20
Audio Version of Today's Poem

A stone rolled in place
Confusion, distress yet, hope -
Disciples waited

Friday, April 10, 2020

Good Friday - 4/10/20

"And Now the World Waits"
Poem of the Day - 4/10/20
Audio Version of Today's Poem

Death on a cross
Body in a tomb

And now, the world waits...

Thursday, April 9, 2020

Love One Another - 4/9/20

"Love One Another"
Poem of the Day - 4/9/20
Audio Version of Today's Poem

Love one another
This is Jesus' command
On the surface so simple
Still, hard to understand

For what does love look like?
It's more than "playing nice"
And what does love sound like?
Just kind words won't suffice

It goes so much deeper
Requiring sacrifice, at times loss
As in the prayer by St Ignatius -
Give, and don't count the cost

Do not leave out forgiveness
Perhaps that's most important of all
Reconciling with our neighbor
Instead of putting up a wall

To love is to be vulnerable,
That's what CS Lewis states
To do this he assures us
Our hearts surely will break

Yet, this is what we're called to
Jesus gave us this command
On the surface so simple
Still, hard to understand

Wednesday, April 8, 2020

"Judas" (Fitting for Spy Wednesday)

Poem of the Day - 4/8/20
Audio Version of Today's Poem

Judas -
A most despised name in our faith
For he gave Jesus over to be killed
Why did he do it?

For money?
30 pieces of silver doesn't seem equal
To the life of a dear friend and teacher

Out of desire for the kingdom?
Jesus would surely resist
And be the king the Jews were promised
Showing true power

Did he have free will?
Or, if Judas hadn't betrayed him,
Would it have been someone else?

It's easy to sit in judgment
Of Judas
Of anyone
But, when it comes down to it
How do we know what we would have done?

Tuesday, April 7, 2020

Fear and Hope (4/7/20)

"Fear...and Hope"
Poem of the Day - 4/7/20
Audio Version of Today's Poem

Sunrise, sunset
Days blur together
A long time separated from loved ones
Yet each day is closer to an end
And, hopefully, to some kind of solution

Prayers up daily
So many memes
(And not just of Lori Lightfoot 😅)
Cards in the mail
Zoom chats with family, friends, coworkers, and students

Struggles to find meaning and purpose
Anxiety over those all alone -
Especially those giving birth or at the end of life
No one should be by themselves
Heartbreaking stories
Mixed with stories of hope and love

It's not possible to always be a Pollyanna
But it is possible to balance fear with hope

Lord, we entrust our world to you

Monday, April 6, 2020

Holy Week, An Acrostic (4/6/20)

"Holy Week, An Acrostic"
Poem of the Day - 4/6/20
Audio Version of Today's Poem

He died to save us from sin
Our eyes are fixed on the cross
Lent comes slowly to an end
Yes, Lord, we trust in You

Who can love us more than you?
Everything I believe is right here, right now
Eternal life is your promise to the world
Keep us safe, O Lord

Sunday, April 5, 2020

Red Shoes and Palm Branches (4/5/20)

"Red Shoes and Palm Branches"
Poem of the Day - 4/5/20
Audio Version of Today's Poem

Most holy and solemn week
Closed church doors
Palm branches not blessed
Red shoes collecting dust
People anxious and unsure
A time unlike any we've ever known

Yet, hope remains

Hosannas sung in living rooms
Masses live-streamed on TV
Connection to the greater Church
Loved ones in our thoughts and prayers
God's Word sustains
And a world waits in darkness

Still, hope remains

Parishes checking in on those in isolation
Young folks dropping off groceries for shut-ins
Doctors and nurses working 'round the clock
Schools pressing on with e-learning
Restaurants determined to survive
Dreams laid out for a better future after COVID

Yes, hope remains

Saturday, April 4, 2020

My Little Honda, a Limerick (4/4/20)

"My Little Honda, a Limerick"
Poem of the Day - 4/4/20
Audio Version of Today's Poem

There once was a nice little Honda
Whose car alarm wouldn't respond-a
When the battery died
AAA rushed to my side
And brought it to a shop I'm not very fond of.

Yes, this is a true story. Not exactly how I planned to spend my Thursday night - trying to figure out how to make the alarm stop. But I'm grateful for several friends and family who stopped what they were doing to talk me through ideas, and I'm also thankful for a good friend who came over with a mini screwdriver so I could undo my key fob (in case that was the culprit...sadly it wasn't). And, there's yet another friend who's going to help me get my car later when it's done at the shop. So, even in the midst of craziness and frustration, there is good to be found and friendship to be celebrated.

Stay optimistic, my friends...

Friday, April 3, 2020

"Nothing for Granted" - April 3, 2020

"Nothing for Granted"
Poem of the Day - 4/3/20
Audio Version of Today's Poem

Take nothing for granted -
It seemed so cliche
Yet today in our world
This phrase has its own way
Of making us stop
And ponder the gifts
That God's granted each person
Till our spirits it lifts

Holidays spent with family
Long commutes daily to school
Constantly nagging our students
To just follow the rules
Simple interactions and things
Were part of the daily grind
To live in a world without them -
The reality ne'er crossed my mind

So, where does it leave us?
What can possibly be done
To find hope in the present
And have, dare I say, fun?
Gratitude's good for starters
To offer up in prayer
So that our perspectives widen
And of God's love we're aware

Thursday, April 2, 2020

April 2 Poem of the Day

"Social Distancing 2020"
Poem of the Day - 4/2/20
Audio Version of Today's Poem

"Social Distancing" -
Webster's 2020 'word of the year,'
Mark my words
No pun intended...

Ok, maybe so.
You got me.

I feel helpless
Because I can't do
Anything -
That's what we all need to do.


What has it come to mean?
A little bit of work
And a whole lotta Netflix.
(Well, I don't have Netflix,
But you get the idea.)

Not exactly what I had in mind for April.
I'm pretty sure no one thought


But enough with the pity parties.
We're called to make sacrifices.
Yes, it's a sacrifice.
And many of us
Are in positions where we can do just that -
positions of privilege.
As in, I still have my job.
I still can pay my rent -
Even if I am going a little stir crazy
All cooped up in my apartment.
But I have family and friends who check in on me.

Our sacrifice is so small
Compared to those on the front lines -
To doctors, nurses, police
To firefighters and city workers.
Our sacrifice means everything for them -
To keep them safe
And to bring them home each day
To their own loved ones.

Maybe it's not the sacrifice that's the hardest.
Maybe, instead, it's the

So, what do we do?
The only things we can do -
Reach out.
Stay home.

Yes, that's it. Love.
A whole lotta love
For our world in need.

Wednesday, April 1, 2020

A Poem A Day...

Audio Version of Today's Poem

No foolin' - April is National Poetry Month.

Woo hoo!

As we're in crazy...and isolated...times, it's the perfect opportunity to enjoy this month in a special way - writing a poem every day.

I don't promise perfect poetry, but I can promise you variety - both in content and in style. Maybe you'll decide to play along with me?

To kick us off (and I hope I'm not setting the bar too high with a song parody), I bring you the lyrics I rewrote to "You'll Be Back" -->

You say e-learning is hard 
when you're stuck with your siblings all day
You cry -you can't see your friends 
or your teachers, it's really a crime
Don't be sad
We don't know how long you'll be at home and staying away
Find ways to be glad
Remember despite social distancing, we're your fam

We'll be back
with a smile
Though it truly may be quite awhile
We'll be back
Time will tell
Make sure you do your assignments well

COVID can't keep us down
Best to wear a smile not a frown
'Cause when push comes to shove
We will send you daily videos to remind you of our love

Da da da...da da da...

So, how will you be celebrating this month...aside from staying at home in your PJs? 😒😬😆